Monday, 6 February 2012

Read between the lines...

Don't you just love Monday's like this, when you don't get up with a squirmy feeling in your stomach making you throw up all over the internet. Not this one, and certainly not after the 7-1ders! Feels like a chocolate taste that simply doesn't seem to leave your mouth.

All we needed last night was some goodwill for our competitors to falter and finally pave the way for us to the Fantastic Four. Chelsea has been crying out to us to take the baton and rise above, we have been ignoring them like a girlfriend does when she's cross. This time they have reduced the 5 points difference to 3. Newcastle almost did us a favor until Cisse put them ahead and 2 points tolerance above us.

Tonight's going to be tricky, Liverpool host Rottenham tonight and I am confused whom to support. We need Liverpool to not gain too many points so we still stay at 6th and Rottenham to not get too many so they wont be too ahead of us to catch them. Probably a stalemate then, which we would leave Liverpool just 1 behind us and Rottenham just 10 ahead of us, which I think is still coverable, considering they are Rottenham.

Le Prof has been pushing down the hype surrounding The Ox to make sure the youngster stays down to earth. Looking at him he looks a very modest and has his brain seems to be between his ears unlike some people who are self-proclaimed "Kings of the world"! But fame can be a fickle thing and its a tricky thing to handle at his age. Sure he'll keep things in control and with someone like AW watching over him, he's heading the right way.
I hope he is not overplayed like Wilshere last season, or Ramsey in this one, he's just 18. When I was 18 the proudest thing I did was conquer my Algebra and get my driving license! The physical & mental strength need to be balanced, which does not mean that his growth should be halted. RVP has heaped praises on him:

He is a fantastic player already; he's only 18 and is so young,” said the Dutchman. “He's good on the ball - he has everything. He's quick, he has movement, technique, can score a goal or give an assist. He has a great future.
 I won't draw any comparisons with Walcott. Even though they come from the same clubs, almost similar in pace, there is a huge difference in the way they think. Moreover, we expect more from Walcott. While it is good news that he may soon sign a new contract, he must justify the faith showed in him. Again, to be fair to him, he had 3 very good assists on Saturday. All he needs is some consistency, and he'll be good.  
If RVP can trust him, so should we:

I love him, I honestly love him,” said Van Persie. “I don't understand the criticism. On Saturday he gave three very clear assists, two for me and one for Alex.

"He was sharp, he was playing fantastically and, like anyone, he misses chances. But I miss chances. Ronaldo misses chances, Messi misses chances. It's life, you know.

"Sometimes I feel that people are a bit harsh on him. I don't know why. If you look at his assists rate then it is unbelievable.

"And he will score. Trust me, he will score. He will get 20 goals at least every season. You will see. Have faith in him.
So, a calm week ahead. Hope this week ends on the onside too.

-Frimpong injury crisis.
-RVP on TH14.
-Arteta on goals and GD.

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