Let's start with some good news, because, lets face it, we need one, anything...even a news saying "Arsenal have wiped the dust of their trophy cabinet" would be relieving. Sagna is back in full training and apparently checks all the boxes for a fit RB. AW considers him in contention for the squad along with Coquelin, Arteta & TH14. Obviously its a huge boost to again have a regular fullback in the team. Also, Gibbs will be starting training again since Monday and definitely out of this Sunday's FA cup match.
Now for the bad news, Jack has had a setback and its not yet clear what exactly is the problem. There are also talks that he might be out for the season which is a major blow to our season. Its just not clear, when everything was on track and it looked all rosy, how can suddenly there be a problem? One week ago, Jack would have apparently surprised Hippocrates himself and now everyone is surprised that there is some alien problem. The Boss said there it might be an inflammation or not and he will out for sometime but not sure how long!?
You just can't wrap your head around it somehow, whether to be happy that our fullbacks are back our to be devastated that there is another injury blow. Isn't this the same situation that happened with TV last year, when he was supposed to come back but then had a setback and he couldn't?? Surely all these obstacles can't be put just plain old bad luck,...and we are not even demanding an explanation and surely there can't be one.
Everyone was thinking that Jack might comeback and all the problems will be solved automatically, suddenly we have a problem in the midfield and we don't have enough cover and creativity there. We are one injury short of being in a real slump, if we aren't already. Wasn't January supposed to take care of all this? Isn't "Prevention is better than cure" the mother of all clichés? Shouldn't Wenger, with a man of his experience, be aware that this is a possibility and have thought over this when we already have had such experiences in the not too distant past? Don't we have bigger problems of our own than bickering about two footed tackles?I know there are a lot of questions and they have been left unanswered and there are growing worries and something is very suspicious about all the silence here. Almost as if nobody really cares what happens with Arsenal, as long as we own 20 teams from different sports in the US and own a large sports enterprise, and we brag about our profits and our future takeovers in our so called high class circles.
This admits to us being stupid and we being okay with dropping points for lack of depth in the squad as long as our purses look heavy, and I am not sure if even that purse is our own and we are allowed to use it! Just last week a friend asked me that if you were the manager and if you were asked to trade Hazard+Goetze for RVP, would you agree? I replied, hee haa haa,please leave, and oh also take AA23 along with you, absolutely free of cost! Now, ill believe even if you tell me that RVP will be traded in the summer against Tom+Dick+Harry+XYZ, just because it will increase our quantitative squad and all of them will observe from the bench, as Chamakh and Park fight it out to keep the ball, only to be summoned when in the last minute of a game where our regular XI are on the physicians table.
I know its sounds very negative and very stingy but truth can be better sometimes, and in our case, most of the times. Atleast the manager realises that the fans are craving for their team's success. Yes, Arsenal fans are a proud lot and have a lot of respect for their club, but the team has also to realise that they are very lucky to have fans like these who will always support their club through thick and no matter how thin. Although, I am dreading the way things are getting thinner and thinner. Only time will tell...
Team news
Talking out of your mouth
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