Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Chilly and gloomy...

Yes its the winter and like most people, I am a big fan of the cold. Wrapped up in my blanket and never wanting to wake up early. Although, this heavenly experience is quickly turning quite gloomy. Watching Arsenal play and lose is actually making me want to wrap myself in a blanket and never wanting to wake up. Eventually I might hurl myself in the Arctic Ocean with the blanket still wrapped around me...make that a straitjacket.

One thing that my father has taught me was that, it is alright to make mistakes as long as we learn from them. Also, doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results is like my friend, a Man U fan explained, supporting Arsenal every time and expecting them to win...he had to face the consequences. Somewhere there was a hint of truth there and not all mocking.

I know it's not as straight-forward as it sounds, but it's not that twisted either. We had a problem with our keeper couple of seasons back, and we persisted with it to realise 2 seasons later that we were preparing a solution and not going for a ready-made one. Who knows what would have happened if we had opted for a ready-made solution. Same thing about our defense, thought we eventually opted for a 6'6" solution. Still I am not completely convinced about our defense. And with our most consistent full-back, Sagna, absent for the past 3 months, its been a bit harsh.

There is a clear line between what we call "Quantity" and "Quality". As long there is quality in the quantity, we are fine. The moment we start filling scraps to make weight, it all goes wrong. Its like filling a sack full of cotton, it all looks big and huge when its full. The moment it gets wet, it starts weighing on our own shoulders. Its time to lay-off this cotton and start getting some real metal. It's good to see Henry back in the ranks and I am glad he really feels for the club, but for how long? I am sick and tired of arguing with anti-Gunners about "We are the Invincibles" and them keeping on telling me, "Dude, get over it, its been over 7 years!!".

I am a big fan of Arsene Wenger, he has managed this club shrewdly for the past 15 years. I would challenge the current ManC team to repeat our Invincible record(I know it's been 7 years, but you can't stop bragging about it :)). But, I guess it won't be so bad if he could listen the cry for help once in a while. Agreed he is under tons of pressure, but with that kind of authority there is bound to be pressure. There has to be something in this window, you cannot just turn your back on it saying, I don't like this window. Even if you don't people are still trying to make amends. Newcastle have lost Ba to ACN and they've already got a replacement. Actually they might have forseen that he is bound to leave in the summer, but kudos to Newcastle. Ba may want to step his game up seeing this competition, he is no RVP!

I don't know what the Mayans had to say about Arsenal...but I wish at least the top 4.

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